- Application to start for innovation and startup subsidies
Source :General Office of Qianhai Authority
Operators of innovation platforms, industrial parks and incubators registered or operating in Qianhai can apply for subsidies of up to 30 million yuan (US$4.24 million)from July 7 to July 16, when the annual application procedure starts.
The Special Fund to Support the Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Platforms was set up by the Qianhai authority in 2019 to boost science and technology development and industrial incubation in the free trade area.
The fund is available to operators of innovation platforms, such as labs, technology and innovation centers, R&D institutions and entrepreneurship platforms in Qianhai.
According to the authority, each qualified innovation platform will receive up to 30 million yuan in subsidy, which is capped at 20 million yuan for each qualified entrepreneurship platform.
Applicants can check for details on https://qh.sz.gov.cn/sygnan/qhzx/tzgg/content/post_8866554.html, or call the hotline 0755-36667661.
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