- Qianhai to supply 416,000 square meters of land for construction
Source :Qianhai Communication Center
A total of 416,000 square meters of land in Qianhai will be allocated for construction this year, according to a plan of the Qianhai authority that was recently approved by the city government.
Housing and projects that enhance Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation will be the priority of Qianhai’s land supply this year.
The Qianhai authority aims to create a work- and life-friendly environment in the free trade area by increasing the land supply for talent housing along with supporting public and commercial facilities. Among the land supply of 416,000 square meters, 50,000 square meters will be allocated for the construction of public facilities and housing projects, including an international school and a local school. Another 200,000 square meters of land will be set aside for the construction of traffic projects, such as the interchange of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Riverside Expressway and Nanping Expressway at Dachan Bay, to further improve the traffic connection between Qianhai and other locations.
Qianhai plans to build a number of high-end industrial towns for the professional service industry, and the headquarters and digital economy, as Qianhai seeks to strengthen Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation.
2021-04-27 15:57:58Attachment Download