- Investments attracted to QH by business-friendly environment
Source :Qianhai Communication Center
A growing number of investors have been attracted to Qianhai by its business-friendly environment over the past 10 years.
As of June, Qianhai has been home to 154,000 enterprises, of which 324 and 934 have been invested in by Fortune 500 companies and domestic publicly listed firms, respectively.
The Qianhai authority has committed to creating a world-class business environment since the inauguration of the free trade area by introducing a number of innovative policies facilitating investment and international trade.
On Sept. 19, 2019, Qianhai piloted a service that has greatly shortened the approval time for business registrations in the free trade area. With the service, it takes only about one minute to process an application to register a domestically funded company with limited liability.
Qianhai has also set up an exclusive service platform to handle foreign investments in the free trade area in 2018 and simplified the foreign-funded business registration procedures, shortening the approval time from 20 working days to one working day.
The “One-window Service” at the Qianhai Electronic One-stop Service Center will take care of all business registration-related affairs including accepting business registration applications and issuing corporate invoices.
The Qianhai authority has taken a further step to help interested investors in Hong Kong to register a new business in Qianhai without traveling to Shenzhen in person.
By working with select bank outlets in Hong Kong, the one-stop service adopted by the Qianhai authority enables Hong Kong investors to finish registering a Qianhai company at any of the designated bank outlets in the special administrative region.
In addition, Qianhai has put into operation an online service platform for Qianhai-registered companies to handle business-related affairs, subscribe to receive the latest policies, and apply for relevant subsidies, among others.
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