- QH offers favorable banking services to creditworthy enterprises
Source :Qianhai Communication Center
Qianhai-based enterprises with good credit records are now offered favorable banking services such as discounted loan interests that the Qianhai authority and the Qianhai & Shekou branch of the Bank of China (BOC) jointly offer.
The services were initiated July 16 in line with the Qianhai public credit platform set up in 2017. The credit platform contains more than 13 million pieces of credit information of enterprises the Qianhai authority collected from 74 government departments. The Qianhai-based enterprises were categorized in accordance with their credit records and operation status, among other criteria.
Enterprises with BB credit rating or higher on the credit platform are eligible for 10 kinds of preferential services at the BOC’s Qianhai & Shekou branch including discounted operating fees for the cross-border capital pool as well as fast approval for loans.
The services are aimed to assist Qianhai enterprises through the COVID-19 pandemic period by lowering their business operation costs and expediting banking services. The initiation is also part of Qianhai’s efforts to build a credit-based system.
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