- Office rent subsidy for 2019 to complete application
Source :Qianhai Media Center
Relevant enterprises:
The office rent subsidy application system has gone online on April.20. Qualified enterprises can make an online application for the subsidy now.
The application consists of office space registration and office rent subsidy application. Property owners of the office spaces should complete the registration between before May.19. Tenants or property units of the office spaces are qualified to apply for the subsidy. The application should be submitted before May.26.
The time for application is coming to an end. Qualified enterprises should make an online before the deadline. For any questions, please consult the Industrial Promotion Department of Qianhai Cooperation Zone Authority. The hotline is 36667638.
We hereby inform you.
Qianhai Cooperation Zone Authority
2020-05-14 16:34:09Attachment Download