- Qianhai receives praise from Hong Kong official and youths
Source :Qianhai Media Center
Hong Kong’s Secretary for Home Affairs Tsang Tak-sing recenlty visited those Hong Kong students who were under the Shenzhen Qianhai summer internship programme at the Qianhai Exhibition Hall.
Tsang encouraged the students to learn as much as they could, and reminded them to be on their best behaviour, as their actions would represent the qualities that the greater Hong Kong student population embodies. Doing so, he said, would give Qianhai companies with a good impression of Hong Kong students, which in turn would make them more open to having Hong Kong students working for them in mainland China.
When Tsang asked the interns if they were used to working in Qianhai, one of them answered: “The working environment in Qianhai is better than in Hong Kong. It’s spacious and green here, and I feel that when compared to Hong Kong, work is not as stressful here in Shenzhen. This gives me more time and energy to produce a higher quality of work.”
The interns agreed that working in Shenzhen was interesting, and the differences between the Hong Kong and Shenzhen environments has helped them broaden their horizons. Relationships between superiors and subordinates, they added, were harmonious.
Said Tsang: “Qianhai is developing rapidly. Aside from pursuing internships here, Hong Kong students can also start their businesses in Qianhai with the help of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub.”
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