- What they say
Source :Qianhai Media Center
Qianhai is a very promising zone that is designed to become a new urban center of the city. It has incentive policies and enjoys advantageous location. It was reported that the working population would rise to 650,000 by 2020 and that businesses would boom as financial, logistics, modern services and technology industries develop. More business travelers will come to Qianhai and they definitely need luxury hotels like JW Marriott. That's why we are here. As the only luxury hotel in the area so far, we are confident about our business in the future.
Nicholas Tse, general manager, JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen Bao'an
My company specializes in providing IT solutions for corporations and organizations in Qianhai. I am very optimistic over the prospect of Qianhai. In fact, I have seen an increasing number of Hong Kong entrepreneurs showing interest in starting business in the special economic zone.
Qianhai has acted as a bridge between Hong Kong and the mainland. Entrepreneurs and makers from across the border now have the opportunity to make more exchanges and communications through the platform.
At the same time, there are also places for improvement, for example, in its infrastructure. More businesses and professionals from Hong Kong would come to Qianhai if its public transport system improved. Also, I would suggest better food be offered in the zone.
Choi Chi-man, founder of Shenzhen Qianhai Palapple Technology Ltd
My company is among the first batch that opened offices in Qianhai. We found the company's development was in line with the industrial guideline issued by the Qianhai authority and the incentive policies, including the 15 percent corporate income tax and the tax deduction for talents, were attractive. All the efforts could help us lower operational costs. Our business, especially the financing sector, benefits a lot from Qianhai's financial innovation policies.
Financing costs are lowered, which can promote the other business of my company in the fields of technology, real estate and culture. As the Qianhai authority encourages the development of cross-border e-commerce, we set up a new e-commerce company in July and operate an online platform to sell quality overseas products to domestic buyers.
Hong Hanzhong, chairman of the board, Ding Bao Hong Group
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