- Qianhai sports carnival starts May 28
Source :Qianhai Media Center
The 2nd Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Sports Carnival will kick off at 9 a.m., May 28, according to organizers.
To enhance the communication between people from both Shenzhen and Hong Kong, this year’s carnival will invite over 4,000 cyclists to ride bikes around the Qianhai area.
In addition, a Hong Kong hip-hop group will perform at the carnival with shows presented by comedians and clowns.
Entrepreneurs and families from both the cities are encouraged to have fun at the carnival.
Participants from Hong Kong will be guided through Shekou after the event.
This year, the carnival was co-hosted by the Qianhai Authority, the New World Development Company and the China Merchants Shekou Holdings, and co-organized by the New World China Land Company and the CTFHOKO in Qianhai.
On Jan. 24, 2015, the first carnival was held, which attracted over 2,000 people.
(Tan Yifan)
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