A total of 770 business apartments in Nanshan College Town area, mostly small size, were bought by the Qianhai Administration Department for renting to attract high-level talents.
In September 2016, Qianhai Authority has already established 2679 small apartments (35 to 50 square meters) in Longhai Garden for talents. This time, the average size of those apartments increased; Beside 350 single apartments, larger apartments with two or more rooms are added. The location of the 770 apartments, Tanglang Town in the Nanshan College Town, is also the area of research institutions and start-up incubators.
The high price of real estates in Shenzhen has become one of the major block for attracting talents. During the 13th Five-year Plan, Shenzhen is planing 400,000 houses for government subsidized housing and 300,000 talents’ apartments, equaling the whole number of policy housing built in Shenzhen for the past 30 years.