Qianhai’s Mawan area should adopt “free trade +” concept, said Chen Guang, associate partnerof McKinsey, adding that the area should develop into a free trade plus cross-country industrial chain innovation mode, a free trade plus upgraded global value chain mode and a free trade plus global supply chain management mode.
Chen said that areas around the Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao Greater Bay Area are the most prosperous and dynamicareas of China's manufacturing and services industries.Qianhai is close to the biggest manufacturing base in Pearl River Delta.He also noted the necessity of the differential developmentof Qianhai andSheou area.For example,Qianhai can rely on the manufacturing industry in the Pearl River Delta. ,Besides,Hengqin can develop tourism ,leisure, health,culture and education Industries.
Chen added, through the international cooperation and the development of value added chains, the core position of Mawan can be improved.