Qianhai had became the first national free trade area to carry out cross-border RMB loan transaction,and piloted macro-prudential management of cross-border financing.
The People’s Bank of China Shenzhen branch launched a file about the management of cross-border RMB loans in 2012. In April 2016, Qianhai’s banks signed two agreements of intentions with Hong Kong enterprises, allowing them to conduct two RMB loans.
According to the latest statistics, cross-border RMB loan transactions in Qianhai was over 110 billion yuan and a total of withdraw deposit was 3645.7 million yuan in 2016. The scale of business led other places in China. Companies such as China International Marine Containers Co.Ltd and Tempus Group have carried out bidirectional cross-border RMB and foreign currency pool business.
The Central Bank has allowed 27 financial institutions in Shanghai,Tianjing,Guangzhou and Fujian free trade areas to conduct macro-prudential management of foreign debt in January 2016.
Local authority said Qianhai has achieved a certain business scale in both Qualified Domestic Investment Enterprise(QDIE)and Qualified Foreign Limited Partner(QFLP) sectors. Based on the statistics, by the end of 2016, 41 Qianhai enterprises acquired the qualification of QDIE and 41 foreign investment enterprises were put on records. Their net remittance of capital was US$820 million, while 106 enterprises were granted to do QFLP business. Qianhai now has 20 funds enterprises whose business scale was US$361 million.