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Notice for the International Competition of the Concept Design of Qianhai Monument Landscape Island
发布日期:2014-05-17 13:48:00


   City: Shenzhen,PRC
   Site: The mouth where Guiwan Water Finger entering the sea, Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone
   Area: Approximately 13,828 m2 (Structures can be considered in the design, but no building area)
   Theme:Concept Design of Qianhai Monument Landscape Island
  Qianhai Overview
  Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen (hereinafter as Qianhai) is the national strategic new development zone approved and set up by the State Council. As a demonstration area for Guangdong-Hong Kong innovation and cooperation on modern service industry, Qianhan mainly undertakes four functions:
   An innovation area for modern service industry system and mechanism;
   A cluster area in the development of modern service;
   A pilot area for close cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong;
   An industry upgrade leading area in the Pearl River Delta.
  With 4-year preparation and efforts, the Masterplan (also the Comprehensive Plan) to guide Qianhai’s development and construction has been approved and published by Shenzhen Municipal Government. Led by the framework of the Comprehensive Plan, those famous international design firms such as SOM and JERDE have been invited to carry out the planning in each level, and its basic urban planning formulation system has been set up. Meanwhile, Qianhai Land Management Reform Outline was completed, and 6 land parcels (excluding those parcels leased in earlier period) were leased,with a building area of 236,900 square meters and about 1,960,000 square meters in FAR. The construction of Qianhai’s municipal infrastructures is being accelerated with a number of projects under construction. As such, Qianhai has entered into the stage of development and construction. 
  The Qianhai Monument Landscape Island is located in Guiwan Water Finger. As a finger-shaped waterway in Qianhai waterways system, Guiwan Water Finger originates from Qianhai Bay in the west, and extends to the Loop-like Waterway in the east, with Binhai Avenue in the north and Qianwan 1st Road in the south. It’s 1,928 meters long from east to west, 245 meters wide, with the main channel being 40 meters wide, which forms a space layout of “1 Channel, 2 Beaches, 2 Trenches” that is able to create a unique urban water image and iconic green open space.
  Recently, the hydraulics engineering design of the fist-phase project of Guiwan Water Finger is being carried out, and in a stage of drafting the scheme. The area where Qianhai Monument is situated (where Guiwan Water Finger enters the sea) is under temporary environmental improvement, and the construction of the Landscape Island is estimated to start in 2 0r 3 years later. 
  The Influence of Qianhai Monument
  Qianhai Monument, about 2.8 meters high, 2.1 meters wide, and 0.65 meters thick,is an iconic landscape stone representing Qianhai. A number of national, provincial and municipal leaders, as well as international guests who pay great attention on Qianhai’s development, have visited the Monument. Therefor, the location, elevation and environmental design, etc. have of great significance to Qianhai.
  Qianhai Administration Office
  This Competition is an open competition with an aim to solicit outstanding design schemes globally. We warmly welcome the global outstanding design firms and consortiums, as well as those independent designers to take part in this Competition. It will be undertaken by open registration and experts’ review. The Organizer will set up an experts’ team to review the design schemes submitted by the competitors and select the winners. The Organizer will learn from the deliverables of this Competition so as to improve the space design of Qianhai Monument Landscape Island. 
  There won’t be an organized site visit in this Competition. All competitors shall visit the site by themselves. (Those that are not able to visit the site can read Appendix 5: Site Image for reference.)
5、Registration & Procedures
  1、 报名时间:2014年5月15日至2014年5月25日。
  5.1 Registration:  May 15th, 2014 to May 25th, 2014
  Applicants shall email the application form to info@qh.sz.gov.cn by May 25th, 2014.
  2、 方案成果提交:截止日期为2014年6月15日。
  5.2 Submission of Deliverables: by June 15th, 2014
  3、 参赛者应在6月15日17:00之前将设计成果电子文件(可通过电子邮件发送至主办方电子邮箱),同时将纸质报名表、电子文件和纸质成果资料一并寄送或亲自送往深圳市南山区东滨路月亮湾大道交界处前海合作区综合办公区D-108室(郑工收);
  5.3 Applicants shall submit the electronic version (via email or together with the hardcopies delivered to the Organizer by post or personally) and the hardcopies of the design deliverables to the following address by 17:00, June 15th, 2014:
  Mr. Zheng (Addressee), Room D-108, the Comprehensive Office Area of Qianhai Cooperation Zone, Intersection between Dongbin Road and Yueliangwan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen.
  The time when the Organizer receives the documents shall prevail. Those applicants,whose documents submitted overdue, will be nullified and can’t take part in the following review of this Competition.
  4、 方案评审:初定于2014年6月17日。
  5.4 Review of Design Deliverables: June 17th, 2014 (tentatively fixed)
  5、 竞赛主办方将于评审后一周内公布获奖作品名单。
  5.5 The result will be announced within a week after the review.
  1、 参加竞赛的单位或个人同意并遵守本竞赛通知的内容及竞赛规则;主办方对竞赛规则拥有最终解释权。  
  6.1 All competitors of this Competition will be regarded to have confirmed and follow the content of this notice and the competition rules. The Organizer reserves the right for the interpretation of these rules.  
  2、 参加过其他竞赛的作品,或使用他人曾经在公开场合发表过的创意的作品不允许参加竞赛。
  6.2 Those works that have taken part in other competitions or were published by others are not allowed to take part in this Competition.
  3、 参赛者必须是设计方案的原创作者,并保证所提交的设计方案为首次发表且未侵犯第三方的任何权益,如因设计方案导致第三方提起任何形式的诉讼或索赔,参赛者应承担全部法律责任。
  6.3 All design deliverables submitted must be original creations by the concerned competitors, who shall promise that the deliverables make its debut in this Competition and there is no any form of infringement. In case of infringement and those appeals and claims caused by it, the infringing competitor bears all legal consequences of infringement.
  4、 参赛者填写《前海石景观岛概念设计方案征集活动报名表》是参加征集活动的必备程序。表中填写信息应当与事实相符,在征集过程中,一旦发现相关信息与事实不符,该参赛者所递交的设计方案无效。
  6.4 It’s a necessary procedure for the competitors to fill out and submit the Application Form of the International Competition of the Concept Design of Qianhai Monument Landscape Island. The information provided in the application form shall be consistent with the truth. The submitted design schemes will be treated nullified once any inconsistence found.
  5、 所有参加本次竞赛的参赛者在本次活动期间所发生的所有差旅相关费用自理。
  6.5 All related expenses caused by this competition will be born by the competitors themselves.
  6、 本次竞赛的奖金包含主办方一次性买断设计方案的知识产权及与之相关的所有权利的费用。
  6.6 The bonus of this competition shall include the fees of the Organizer’s one-off buyout of the copyright (IPR) and related rights of design schemes.  
  7、 所有参加本次竞赛的设计方案的知识产权(除署名权外)和其他相关权利归主办方所有,署名权归参赛者所有,设计成果在评审后不予以退回。主办方有权对提交的所有设计成果中的合理要素进行使用。
  6.7 The copyright (excluding the authorship) and the other related rights of all the submitted design deliverables are held by the Organizer, and the authorship is owned by their designers. No submittals will be returned to the competitors after the review. The Organizer is entitled to use reasonable elements in every submitted scheme.
  8、 主办方有权无偿使用所有设计成果,包括评审结束后公布评审成果,并通过媒体、杂志或其他形式发布、宣传、介绍、展示、评价及推荐实施设计成果等。
  6.8 The Organizer is entitled to use the design schemes without further payment, such as announcing the review result after the review, introducing, displaying and appraising the design schemes through media, professional magazines, books or other form.
  6.9 The competitors reserve the right to use the deliverables in their portfolio, researches and papers or books, but are forbidden to use them in other projects in any form. 
  6.10 All documents provided by the Organizer (including texts, drawings, and electronic data) are exposed to copyright protection. Without authorization, any person is prohibited to duplicate, amend, distribute, disclose, lend or transfer the contents of relevant materials. Otherwise, legal liabilities may be incurred and its qualification of this Competition will be nullified.
  6.11 This competition and its rules are governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. If disputes occur, both parties shall negotiate. If negotiation fails, both parties shall agree to submit the issue to the Shenzhen Office of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee for arbitration in accordance with its rules. The arbitration shall be the final verdict binding on both parties.
  由前海规划建设专业委员会委员(James Corner、Thom Mayne、陈弘志、黄卫东、韩冬青、王维仁、马清运、孟建民、何镜堂、严迅奇、张永和、杨保军、崔愷、郭仁忠等)中的部分委员组成专家评审组进行评审。(以姓氏笔画顺序排名,最终评委以当日到场委员为准,将至少有五位委员参加本次评审)
7、Jury Panel
  The members from the Professional Committee of Qianhai Urban Planning and Construction will constitute the jury panel of this Competition. (James Corner, Thom Mayne, Chen Hongzhi, Wang Weidong, Han Dongqin, Wang Weiren, Ma Qingyun, Meng Jianmin, He Jingtang, Yan Xunqi, Zhang Yonghe, Yang Baojun, Cui Kai, Guo Renzhong and etc.) (In the order of the number of the strokes, the final name list will be subject to the attending members in the review and at least 5 members will attend the review.)
  First Prize (1 spot): RMB 150,000 Yuan
  Second Prize (1 spot): RMB 50,000 Yuan
  Third Prize (2 spots): RMB 30,000 Yuan
  The foresaid bonuses contain the taxes, and there is no compensation for those competitors who didn’t win the prize. All the payments concerning this Competition will be made in Renminbi. Foreign firms or people can authorize a local independent legal entity to receive the payments on their behalf if they cannot receive Renminbi on their corporate accounts or personally.
9、Handling of Submittals and Copyright
  1、 本次活动主办方拥有获奖作品的使用、宣传、展览及推荐实施等权利,落选作品概不退回。
  9.1 The Organizer is entitled with the rights to use, publicize, exhibit and recommend for implementation, etc. Those submittals that didn’t win the prize won’t be returned.
  2、 参赛者必须是参赛设计方案的原创作者,并保证所提交的设计方案为首次发表且不会侵犯其他人的权益,若发生由此造成的任何纠纷,一切法律责任及给主办方造成的损失由设计人承担。
  9.2 The designer must be the author of the deliverables and shall promise that the deliverables make its debut in this Competition and there is no any form of infringement. In case of infringement and any appeal caused by it, the infringing competitor bears all legal consequences of infringement and shall compensate the Organizer’s loss.
  3、 凡投送作品的参赛单位和个人,均视为已知晓、同意并遵守本征集公告的各项规定,无须再行确认。
  9.3 All firms and person who submit the deliverable, will be regarded to have known, agreed to and will follow the rules of this notice, and there won’t be no further confirmation to be made. 
  联系人: 郑先生
  Organizer:The Administration Office of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone
  Undertaker: The Urban Planning and Construction Division of Qianhai Administration Office
  Contact: Mr. Zheng
  Tel: +86 755 36668974
  Email: info@qh.sz.gov.cn
  Anyone that is interested in this competition can visit the https://qh.sz.gov.cn/ to download relevant information.
  The foresaid time is applied in Beijing Time. The Organizer reserves the right to amend the agenda, and will announce a notice 7 days earlier once the agenda is amended.  