During the past few days, several expat photographers attended the 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF), China’s premier cultural fair, and they shared effusive praise for this large-scale event.

Felipe Vieira Setlik, a designer from Brazil, visited the fair twice over the weekend. “I’ve never seen such a quality representation of different aspects of culture, art, and design in just one venue. I couldn’t see everything in one day, so I brought my wife for a second round.”

“At the Shenzhen Polytechnic University booth, as designers, my wife and I are thrilled with the creativity and quality of the products by the instructors and students. Also, I was impressed by the Tang Dynasty (618-907) porcelains on display.”

František Bína from the Czech Republic said the experience was a pleasant surprise. “Before I came, I assumed the ICIF would be a sort of export fair, focused on international sellers and exporters, in a similar vein to the Canton Fair. But in reality, it’s more of a representation of Chinese products,” he said. “It’s a nice place for families to roam through the booths of different provinces. They make good showcases of their respective cultures.

“Overall, the fair is more focused on the folk products, making them accessible to the wider public. I remember a giant wooden carving that required superb skill to create,” he noted.

Diego Alexander Alcala-Gaona from Colombia and the U.K. viewed it as a unique opportunity to learn and discover new things about the diverse cultures within China. “I witnessed a variety of cultural performances and products from different parts of China. Some regions showcased their traditional craftsmanship, while others introduced their delicacies.”

“The most impressive aspect was the folk dancers and singers. Their expressions and talent truly told a visual story. I found it educational and enlightening. It’s an unmissable experience,” he said.

Simon Bezian, a first-time Canadian visitor to ICIF, found it to be an incredible exhibition that represented Chinese culture and history through a range of fascinating products from various industries.

“Many products also highlighted China’s high-tech capabilities and their benefits for public health, lifestyle, and the environment. As an engineer, I’m always curious about technology. I spent a considerable amount of time in one booth engaging in a lengthy conversation with the exhibitors of a game system for the visually impaired and the blind; it’s very interesting,” he said.