“Truth becomes fiction when the fiction’s true. Real becomes not real when the unreal’s real.”

These two sentences from the Chinese classic “Dream of Red Chamber” took on a new allure when poet and scholar Simon Chiatante, with a hint of Italian accent, shared them at the Shenzhen Reading Month Shekou Series Activities at the Shekou Foreign Legal Assistance Center on Nov.12.

With more than 30 Chinese and foreign book en微信图片_20231113144936.jpgthusiasts in attendance, Chiatante guided the audience through a literary journey spanning “On the Road,” “Story of the Stone,” “The Book of Tea,” “The Pillow Book,” and “Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet.”

Chiatante, a devoted lover of Chinese literature, offered unique insights into Chinese and English poetry, showcasing his expertise with his collection of English poems titled “Floating Petals.”

As one of Shenzhen’s Global Communication Ambassadors, he will further engage Chinese audiences by sharing his story and reciting classic Chinese and foreign poems in various languages at the upcoming “Shared Moments in Poetry” Multilingual Cross-cultural Exchange Event organized by Shenzhen Daily later this month.

During the session yesterday, another speaker, Gloria Liu, enlightened the audience with insights from “POWER vs. FORCE” and “The Map of Consciousness Explained.” Dr. Hawkins, the author, presented a chart correlating different consciousness levels with emotional states, world views, and energetic powers, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all existence.

“The event is very interesting and enlightening for me. I really appreciated their recommendations and will start reading by myself,” said Callum McCleery, an American resident of Shekou.

During the 24th Shenzhen Reading Month, the Shekou Management and Service Center for Expats will organize a series of reading activities by inviting book lovers from China, Italy, Iran, and Switzerland to share their love for books with Chinese and foreign residents. Future sessions will cater to readers with interests in novels, children’s literature, and Chinese calligraphy.

The activities are expected to enrich the spiritual and cultural lives of Chinese and foreign residents, deepen cultural exchanges, and create a platform for meaningful communication among diverse communities.