In recent years, Shenzhen has issued a series of talent policies and regulations, based on the needs of economic and social development. It is committed to creating a high-quality environment for talented human resources and building institutional advantages with international competitiveness. Through the upgrading of its related policies, the city is promoting the transformation from "attracting talent with policies" to "forming an environment and culture conducive for talent gathering," based on a market-oriented approach. The city’s warm welcome and financial benefits attract continuous inflows of talented people.

Shenzhen is striving to build itself into a city of dreams and a place where the world's talents look forward to living and working.

According to the Shenzhen Employment and Entrepreneurship Allowance Application Processing List issued by the Shenzhen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, people who participate in the "GBA Youth Employment Scheme" organized by the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and who work in Shenzhen can apply for the allowance from the public employment service agency in the district or subdistrict where the employer is registered. The allowance is 1,000 yuan per person per month.

Shenzhen has promoted the convergence of rules and mechanisms with Hong Kong and Macao, and deepened regional scientific and technological innovation cooperation, talent integration, platform construction, and industrial collaboration. The continuous improvement of a series of infrastructure facilities, such as the opening of Liantang Port, the opening of Mawan 5G Smart Port, and construction of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, also promotes Shenzhen's integration into the GBA. A series of institutional mechanisms, such as policies that allows Hong Kong and Macao professionals to practice in Qianhai, the launch of the GoGBA one-stop platform, and the establishment of the GBA Standards Innovation Alliance, make the flow of personnel, capital, goods, information and other elements in the GBA more efficient, and the level of regional market integration continues to improve.

In Shenzhen, there are more and more youths from Hong Kong and Macao pursuing their dreams. As of the first quarter of 2022, Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong Youth DreamWorks has incubated 578 entrepreneurial teams, with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and international teams accounting for more than half of the total. Meanwhile, the total amount of financing has exceeded 2.9 billion yuan. So far, 689 Hong Kong youths have found jobs in Shenzhen by participating in the "GBA Youth Employment Scheme" organized by the government of the Hong Kong SAR.

Key requirements:

(1)The applicant must haveparticipated in the "GBA Youth Employment Scheme" organized by the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

(2) The applicant must be working in Shenzhen during the implementation of the plan.

Policy benefits:

1,000 yuan per person per month for a maxium of 18 months.

Application procedure:

The applicant can log into the "Guangdong Government Affairs Service Network," search for "GBA Youth Employment Scheme Allowance," fill in the form,and submit the necessary materials.