
The Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone will further enhance its role as a hub for legal services, according to a press conference held in Qianhai yesterday afternoon.

At the conference, Huang Xiaopeng, executive vice director of Qianhai Authority, unveiled 10 major achievements of the construction of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Legal-Services District.

According to Huang, the 10 major achievements include the establishment of a judicial research platform in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) jointly constructed by national, provincial and municipal courts; the establishment of the GBA International Arbitration Center; the construction of an international arbitration dispute resolution center; and the rolling out of policies advocating Sino-foreign joint law firms and the concentration of high-end legal service institutions in Qianhai, among others.

“The rule-of-law system construction in Qianhai has achieved good results, and four major systems have been preliminarily formed, including a comprehensive commercial dispute resolution system, an international rule system, a whole-chain and full-cycle legal service system, and a vibrant legal innovation system,” Huang said.

Chen Chunsheng, deputy director of the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province, introduced the recent measures implemented by the department to pilot the Sino-foreign joint law firms in Qianhai. He said Qianhai is the only region in Guangdong that has obtained such qualification and the third region nationwide after Shanghai and Hainan.

Chen said the new policy is conducive to attracting and gathering more outstanding overseas legal talents to work in Guangdong, and is beneficial for Qianhai to accelerate the creation of a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment.

In addition, the Qianhai Circuit Court of Guangzhou Maritime Court and the Shenzhen Foreign-related Lawyers Service Base in Qianhai were officially inaugurated during the conference.