Applicant entity

Financial enterprise headquarters, professional subsidiaries established by financial enterprise headquarters, other financial institutions and financial service institutions, financial holding companies, local financial institutions, specialized commercial bank entities, municipal-level branches of financial enterprises of Shenzhen, other licensed financial institutions and other qualified legal person or unincorporated organizations.

Encouraging clustered development of licensed financial institutions 

1. Headquarters of financial enterprises shall follow the provisions of the Interim Measures of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone for Encouraging the Development of Headquarters Enterprises.

2. A one-time settlement reward will be given to licensed financial institutions, respectively:

(1)CNY 10 million is awarded to financial holding companies established with the approval of the People's Bank of China;
(2)CNY 10 million yuan is awarded to state-owned banks, policy banks and national joint-stock commercial banks, and CNY 6 million to city commercial banks, foreign banks, private banks and other specialized institutions;
(3)CNY 8 million is awarded to municipal-level branches of commercial banks of Shenzhen and branches of foreign, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan banks; and CNY 3 million to Shenzhen municipal-level branches of other financial enterprise headquarters;
(4)For professional subsidiaries established by the headquarters of financial enterprises, if the paid-in capital is above CNY 100 million; CNY 5 million is awarded; if the paid-in capital is below CNY 100 million, CNY 2 million is awarded;
(5)For other licensed financial institutions, if the paid-in capital is above CNY 200 million; CNY 5 million is awarded; if the paid-in capital is between CNY 100 million and 200 million, CNY 2 million is awarded; if the paid-in capital is below CNY 100 million, CNY 1 million is awarded.

Supporting innovative development of characteristic financial services

1.Fintech enterprises

(1) One-time settlement support for newly registered or moved-in licensed fintech enterprises:
a. For fintech subsidiaries initiated and established by Hong Kong or Macao banks, Hong Kong or Macao insurance companies, Hong Kong or Macao virtual banks and virtual insurance companies and their parent companies, with a direct or indirect shareholding of no less than 50%
CNY 3 million is awarded if the paid-in capital is equal to or below CNY 50 million;
CNY 1 million is awarded if the paid-in capital between CNY 20 million and 50 million;
b. Fintech subsidiaries that are directly or indirectly 100% owned by domestic or overseas licensed banks, securities companies, and insurance companies
CNY 3 million is awarded if the paid-in capital is equal to or below CNY 100 million;
CNY 1 million is awarded if the paid-in capital between CNY 50 million and 100 million.
(2) Institutional application projects are selected as pilot projects for fintech innovation supervision
a.CNY 1 million is awarded if an institutional application project is selected as a national pilot project for fintech innovation supervision of financial regulatory authority;
b.CNY 500,000 is awarded if an institutional application project is selected as a local pilot project for fintech innovation supervision.

2. Financial leasing and financial leasing enterprises

For Hong Kong-funded institutions that meet the award conditions in (1) (2) (3) of this article, the support standard will be increased to 1.2 times, but the maximum support amount will remain unchanged.
(1)An amount equal to 1% of the actual transaction lease contract amount or lease asset purchase contract amount in the current year is awarded to financial leasing companies, specialized subsidiaries of financial leasing companies and their subordinate project subsidiaries and financial leasing companies, and financial leasing project subsidiaries conducting key leasing businesses such as aircraft (including helicopters), ships, and offshore equipment, with a business contract term of more than three years. The award amount is up to CNY 10 million per enterprise per year.
(2)An amount equal to 0.1% of the new green leasing business investment amount in current year is awarded to financial leasing companies, specialized subsidiaries of financial leasing companies and their subordinate project subsidiaries and financial leasing companies, and financial leasing project subsidiaries conducting green leasing businesses such as clean energy, energy saving and environmental protection, and new energy (excluding projects with natural person as lessee), with a balance of green leasing stock business not lower than 4 billion in the previous year. The award amount is up to CNY 2 million per enterprise per year.
(3)An amount equal to 1% of the actual total financing amount in the current year is awarded to financial leasing companies, specialized subsidiaries of financial leasing companies and their subordinate project subsidiaries and financial leasing companies, and financial leasing project subsidiaries that have a leasing asset size of above 2 billion in the previous year and provide financing support to enterprises with a single business contract term of more than one year. The award amount is up to CNY 1 million per enterprise per year.

3. Commercial factoring enterprises

For Hong Kong-funded institutions that meet the award conditions in (I) (II) (III) of this article, the support standard will be increased to 1.2 times.
The reward is based on the total financing amount provided to the enterprise in the previous year:
(1)CNY 1 million is awarded per enterprise if the total financing amount is equal to or below CNY 10 billion;
(2)CNY 500,000 is awarded per enterprise if the total financing amount is between CNY 5 billion and 10 billion;
(3)CNY 200,000 is awarded per enterprise if the total financing amount is between CNY 1 billion and 5 billion;

4. Supporting application and promotion

One-time settlement reward:
Institutions conducting digital RMB business that are newly registered or moved-in in Qianhai Cooperation Zone recognized by the national financial regulatory authority via agreement
(1)CNY 3 million is awarded if the paid-in capital is equal to or below 100 million;
(2)CNY 1 million is awarded if the paid-in capital is between CNY 50 million and 100 million;
Reward for digital RMB business:
(1) For successful practice of pilot cross-border application scenarios, and newly established or moved-in institutions for digital CNY experiments, R&D, application demonstrations, etc., a reward of CNY 100,000 to 500,000 will be provided to the operating institution.
The total amount of this reward is CNY 2 million per year, and the reward amount is equal to 1% of the transaction amount.
(2) To reward for digital RMB paying scenarios, if digital RMB payment function is enabled for merchants or stores in Qianhai Cooperation Zone, CNY 1,000 is awarded per merchant or store that is enabled.

5. Support for enterprise's listing and financing

One-time reward:
A one-time reward of CNY 2 million will be provided to newly approved listed companies

6 Support for clustered contribution of management teams of financial holding companies

7.Reward for green finance development

(1)A one-time award of 1 million yuan is provided to an institution if it is accredited as a green financial institution by the municipal financial supervision and management department or other departments;
(2)For enterprises in the Qianhai Cooperation Zone that issue green bonds, an amount of issuance cost equal to 1% of the bond financing size will be provided, up to CNY 1 million. The support standard for issuance in Hong Kong is increased to 2 times.

Supporting innovative development of Shenzhen and Hong Kong financial cooperation

1 CNY 2 million is awarded for major financial cooperation platform and financial infrastructure settlement.

2. For foreign investment private funds to settle in, if pilot qualification is obtained and registration with the Asset Management Association of China is completed and fund is established and registered in Qianhai Cooperation Zone, 

(1)A settlement reward of CNY 1 million will be provided to a private fund management institution of wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE PFM) 
(2)A settlement reward of CNY 1 million will be provided to a qualified foreign limited partnership (QFLP).
3. For Shenzhen-Hong Kong financial technology accelerator, an operation support amount of up to CNY 2 million yuan will be provided.
4. For preparation of Hong Kong, Macao and foreign-funded licensed financial institutions, a support amount of CNY 1 million will be provided.
5. For settlement of Hong Kong financial associations, a one-time settlement reward of 500,000 will be provided.
6. A support amount equal to 0.05% of the previous year's transaction volume each year is provided to Hong Kong-funded commodity spot exchanges, up to CNY 15 million per exchange per year.
7. An amount equal to 1% of the actual loan amount is provided to Hong Kong or Macao youth as a subsidy, up to CNY 1 million per bank per year.

Support development of industrial agglomeration in Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Financial City

1. Support for industrial carrier settlement of financial city

Support funds can be given to employees as subsidy if the employer is one of the following institutions: 
(1)Headquarters of financial enterprises (including financial enterprises accredited as headquarters by Qianhai Authority);
(2)Licensed financial institutions of Hong Kong, Macao and foreign legal person;
(3)Branches of foreign and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan banks;
(4)Specialized institutions and Shenzhen branches of commercial banks;
(5)Eligible fintech and associated institutions;
(6)Institutions conducting digital RMB business recognized by the national financial regulatory authority via agreement
The support standard for Hong Kong-funded entities is increased to 1.2 times

2. Support for foreign-invested private fund

The support standard for Hong Kong-funded entities is increased to 1.2 times
Private fund management institution of wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE PFM) + qualified foreign limited partnership (QFLP)
CNY 500,000 will be given to those who purchase a self-use office area of 150㎡ or more or rent a self-use office area of more than 150㎡ with a lease term of at least 3 years.

3. Reward for management team operation

For financial institutions that have settled in industrial carriers after January 1, 2021 and have a total profit of more than CNY 50 million, the management team will be rewarded according to the following standards:

Creating good financial ecology