Supporting Target

Joint venture law firms
Representative offices of foreign law firms in Qianhai
Institutions of arbitration, notarization, forensic identification, legal identification, commercial mediation compliance, and etc.
Law firm management teams
legal professionals from Hong Kong and Macao 
Provide a maximum of CNY 10,000 per year to each legal service entity

Supporting the development of legal services between Shenzhen and Hong Kong and international cooperation

1. Settlement support

CNY 2 million will be provided to renowned overseas law firm and a law firm listed in the List of China Excellent Law Firms for setting up a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao partnership joint venture law firm or a Chinese-foreign joint venture law firm. 
CNY 1.5 million will be provided to renowned overseas law firm and a law firm NOT listed in the List of China Excellent Law Firms for setting up a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao partnership joint venture law firm or a Chinese-foreign joint venture law firm. 
CNY 1 million will be provided to other overseas law firm and other domestic law firm of China for setting up a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao partnership joint venture law firm or a Chinese-foreign joint venture law firm. 
Well-known overseas law firms: foreign law firms that have been listed in Chambers and Partners or The Legal 500 in the past three years
CNY 1.5 million will be provided to a representative office established by a well-known overseas law firm
CNY 1 million will be provided to a representative office established by other overseas law firms
CNY 300,000 will be provided to an international legal entity established upon the approval of competent authority.

2. Support for employing legal professionals from Hong Kong and Macao

The employer of Hong Kong and Macao legal professionals will be rewarded according to the standard of CNY 30,000 yuan/person/year.
If more than 30 people are employed, an additional one-time reward of CNY 200,000 will be awarded.
Each entity provides a maximum of CNY 1 million per year, and the support period does not exceed 3 years.

3. Support for high-end legal services

If a legal service entity has made outstanding contributions to foreign-related legal services such as major commercial negotiation, litigation, arbitration, and mediation
A one-time CNY 200,000 yuan per project will be provided, up to CNY 400,000 per year.

4. Support for legal professionals of Hong Kong and Macao

Legal professionals of Hong Kong or Macao will be given a support amount equal to 30% of their business income in the mainland law firm. The same applicant can receive such support for a cumulative period of no more than 2 years.  
Up to CNY 100,000 yuan per year

Encouraging clustering of legal service entities

1. Settlement support

For an entity that is newly established or settled in:
CNY 100,000 yuan is provided if the business income in the previous year ≥ 5 million yuan
CNY 500,000 yuan is provided for institutions of arbitration, notarization, forensic identification, legal identification, commercial mediation compliance, and etc.
CNY 1 million yuan is provided for the law firm or the headquarters of a law firm listed in the List of China Excellent Law Firms whose annual operating income ≤ CNY 30 million yuan and operating income CNY ≤ 8 million yuan in the past two years
CNY 2 million yuan is provided for the law firm whose annual operating income ≤ CNY 60 million yuan and operating income CNY ≤ 15 million yuan in the past two years

2. Support for business growth

For a law firm:
that is established in Qianhai Cooperation Zone for more than two years
with operating income over 1.5 million yuan in the previous year and
operating income in the previous year increasing by more than 500,000 yuan over the previous year
An amount equal to 5% of the increment of business income will be provided, up to CNY 2 million.
If it was included in the statistical database of enterprises above designated size in Shenzhen for the first time in the previous year, a one-time support amount of CNY 100,000 yuan will be provided.

3. Support for operation team

Registered, actually operate and pay taxes in Qianwan, Guiwan and Mawan areas of Qianhai 
The support amount is equal to or more than CNY 100,000 yuan and below 6 million yuan if the business income in the previous year is equal to or more than CNY 5 million yuan and less than 300 million yuan
The support amount is CNY 6 million if the business income in the previous year is equal to or more than CNY 30,000.
This support fund is distributed to members of the lawyer management team, up to CNY 1 million per person per year

4. Property support

The property of Qianhai International Arbitration Building to be allocated for leasing is mainly for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation, Sino-foreign cooperation, international legal entities and major legal innovation entities. The rent is calculated as 30%-70% of assessment rent in the previous year according to the nature of the entity.
70% of the market assessment rent for a Head Office of Guangdong Excellent Law Firms or a branch of China Excellent Law Firms
50% of the market assessment rent for a Head Office of China Excellent Law Firms or a representative office of overseas law firm in Shenzhen
30% of the market assessment rent for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao joint venture law firms, Sino-foreign joint venture law firms, representative offices of overseas renowned law firms in Qianhai, international legal organizations and legal service agencies jointly established by Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
30% of the market assessment rent for private non-profit legal service institutions that are not enterprises