Promoting cross-border integration of innovation elements in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao

Support for cross-border incubation

1.Space support

One-stop supporting services such as accommodation and transportation for Hong Kong and Macao talents are available.The following requirements should be met at the same time:
(1) For the incubators legally established by Hong Kong or Macao universities in Qianhai Cooperation Zone;
(2) If the Hong Kong or Macao team accounts for at least 70%, they have priority to space support in carriers such as Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Dream Workshop.

2. Incubation fund

Qianhai Industry Guidance Fund is available by participating in the establishment of the fund through partnership or equity participation. 
The following requirements should be met at the same time:
(1) For the incubation fund legally established by Hong Kong or Macao universities in Qianhai Cooperation Zone;
(2) Meeting relevant requirements in Shenzhen Administrative Measures of Industry Investment Guidance Fund of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone
(3) The investment of Hong Kong and Macao innovation and entrepreneurship team in Qianhai Cooperation Zone accounts for at least 70% of the total investment.

Supporting cross-border transformation of sci-tech outcomes

An amount up to CNY 500,000 will be provided as a support for a single entity owing to any of the following circumstances.
(1) An amount equal to 20% of the transaction amount of invention patent technology (subject to invoices or the receipts from Hong Kong or Macao) will be provided as a support, up to CNY 100,000, to enterprises or entities that bought and commercialized any intellectual property rights of universities and R&D centers of Hong Kong or Macao;
(2) An amount equal to 20% of the transaction amount of intellectual property license (subject to invoices or the receipts from Hong Kong or Macao) will be provided as a support, up to CNY 50,000, to enterprises or entities that obtained intellectual property rights of innovations from universities and R&D centers of Hong Kong or Macao;
CNY 120,000 is provided as a settlement support to Hong Kong or Macao entities funded by the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao Sci-tech program of Shenzhen, which commercialize and establish enterprise in Qianhai Cooperation Zone with the research outcome of this program and meet the following conditions:
· The Hong Kong or Macao entity holds more than 25% of the shares;
· And the operating income of the previous year is at least CNY 2 million.

Support for agglomeration of venture capitals

For technology venture capital funds established by Hong Kong, Macao or international investment entities that meet the following conditions, the Qianhai Industrial Investment Guidance Fund can provide investment support through equity participation. Specifically, Shenzhen Administrative Measures of Industry Investment Guidance Fund of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone shall be followed.
(1) The investment projects are emerging industries of strategic importance, industries of the future, sci-tech services, or information services supported by Qianhai;
(2) The investment is focused on Shenzhen sci-tech R&D enterprises, accounting for at least 70% of the total investment, and the investment in sci-tech R&D enterprises in the Qianhai Cooperation Zone accounts for at least 40% of the total investment.

Support for international talent exchange

An amount equal to 50% of municipal funded amount may be provided to Hong Kong, Macao and international sci-tech enterprises as well as new R&D entities of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao if they have one of the following stations in Qianhai Cooperation Zone  
(1) Academician workstation
(2) Postdoctoral research station
(3) Postdoctoral research work (sub) station or
(4) Postdoctoral innovation practice base

Support for Sci-tech Cooperation of Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao

Sci-tech innovation consortium

1.Relevant conditions:
(1) Global Fortune 500 that concurrently meet the following conditions, together with national laboratories, national key laboratories, national engineering technology centers and other national innovation carriers or internationally important laboratories build joint labs in Qianhai Cooperation Zone:
· The total amount of sci-tech R&D expenses in the previous year accounts for at least 10% of the total sales revenue in the same period;
· Having worked in a specific market segment for 3 years or more, and its main business income accounts for more than 70% of its operating income;
·The personnel engaged in R&D account for more than 50% of the total number of the company employees.
(2) A joint laboratory operation unit has invested over CNY 2 million in scientific research equipment, has at least 5 professors (researchers) or equivalent professional titles, and more than 50% of the members of its resident research team has a Ph.D. or above.
2. Operational support is provided to eligible operating entities meeting the following standards:
(1) An amount equal to 50% of the actual investment in laboratory operation in the previous year will be provided, up to CNY 2 million, if the entity undertakes two or more provincial scientific research projects concurrently;
(2) An amount equal to 50% of the actual investment in laboratory operation in the previous year will be provided, up to CNY 5 million, if the entity undertakes two or more national scientific research projects concurrently.

Sci-tech innovation community

CNY 300,000 is provided as a one-time settlement support to a sci-tech innovation community that settles in Qianhai, carries out sci-tech innovation cooperation, and meets any of the following conditions:
1. Social groups or private non-enterprise entity
(1) Social organizations or other entities in this city, together with more than three universities, R&D centers, academic associations, etc. of Hong Kong and Macao, legally establish social groups in Qianhai Cooperation Zone to promote sci-tech innovation cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao;
(2) Enterprises, public institutions, social groups and other entities, together with national laboratories, national key laboratories and other state-level innovation carriers, legally establish social groups or private non-enterprise entity in Qianhai Cooperation Zone to promote opening-up and cooperation in sci-tech innovation;
2. International organizations and their representative offices
(1) International social organizations in science and technology, engineering, standards, industry, etc., initiated in Qianhai Cooperation Zone in a market-oriented manner and established pursuant to law;
(2) Representative offices established by international sci-tech organizations in Qianhai Cooperation Zone upon approval pursuant to law.

Sci-tech exchange activities

An amount equal to 30% of actual cost incurred after audit may be provided, up to CNY 2 million, to the hosting entity if the following conditions are met.
1. Major international sci-tech exchange activities held in Qianhai Cooperation Zone with the approval of relevant national and provincial departments;
2. The support has been agreed by Qianhai Authority in advance.

Techfin service

1. Financing guarantee entities: an amount equal to 5‰ of the financing guarantee amount will be provided, up to CNY 500,000 per year per entity for providing financing guarantee services to eligible Qianhai sci-tech enterprises;
2. Financing of sci-tech enterprises: an amount equal to 50% of the intermediation fee generated at issuance, up to CNY 500,000 per year per enterprise, will be provided to a Qianhai sci-tech enterprise participating in financial products such as collective bonds, short-term financing bills, trust plans, and private placement bonds for small and medium-sized enterprises;
3. Sci-tech insurance services: an amount equal to 50% of sci-tech insurance product purchase cost, up to CNY 300,000 per time, will be provided to enterprises that apply for the first time.

Reward for operation team contribution

For sci-tech enterprises that are registered, actually operate and pay taxes in Qianwan, Guiwan and Mawan areas of Qianhai Cooperation Zone and meet any of the following conditions, an amount between CNY 120,000 and 20 million will be awarded if the total profit of the previous year is between CNY 12 million and 2 billion; CNY 20 million will be awarded if the total profit of the year is above CNY 2 billion:
1. A Global Fortune 500 or its first-tier subsidiaries in Shenzhen of which it holds at least 50% of the shares;
2. A listed company;
3. A unicorn enterprise;
4. A specialized, special or new key "little giant" enterprise, or a specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprise; or
5. A national high-tech enterprise with an operating income exceeding CNY 50 million in the previous year.
The funds are distributed by the entity to the core team members, up to CNY 2 million per year per person.

Build an intellectual property ecosystem

Support for intellectual property protection

An amount equal to 50% of legal cost and other reasonable costs incurred will be provided, up to CNY 300,000, to enterprises that carried out overseas intellectual property protection in the previous year and responded successfully.

Reward for development of technical standards

CNY 1 million and 500,000 will be provided to enterprises or entities that lead in developing international or national standards, respectively. 
The reward is up to CNY 1.5 million per year per entity.

Platform support for intellectual property commercialization and application

CNY 2 million will be provided as a one-time support to operating entities that undertake national-level demonstration projects or national-level innovative application pilots

Support for intellectual property exhibitions

An amount equal to 30% of the actual cost incurred after audit may be provided, up to CNY 1.5 million, for intellectual property exhibitions held in Qianhai Cooperration Zone that have been approved by the State Intellectual Property Office or the National Copyright Administration and obtained prior consent of Qianhai Authority for support.

Supporting digital economy

Enterprises of digital economy

1. Support of office space

Support for office purchase and rent may be applied for if any of the following conditions are met:
(1) A Global Fortune 500 or its first-tier subsidiaries in Shenzhen of which it holds at least 50% of the shares;
(2) Enterprises listed on Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing stock exchanges or overseas stock exchanges such as Hong Kong, New York, London, Tokyo, Singapore, and NASDAQ (excluding small capital market and OTC trading);
(3) Unicorn enterprises or gazelle enterprises;
(4) specialized, special or new key "little giant" enterprises identified by the National Ministry of Industry and Information, specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises, or specialized, special and new of Guangdong;
(5) National high-tech enterprises (within the validity period of the certificate);
(6) Enterprises that have won national, provincial or municipal government sci-tech awards;
(7) Enterprises above designated size with an output value (operating income) of more than CNY 50 million in the previous year;
(8) Foreign-funded enterprises in Qianhai with at least USD 3 million paid-in capital.
Support for purchase:
(1) A support amount will be provided to headquarters enterprise accredited by Qianhai Authority at a rate of CNY 3,000 yuan/㎡, up to CNY 30 million; 
(2) A support amount will be provided to other key enterprises that are not accredited as headquarters enterprise by Qianhai Authority at a rate of CNY 1,500 yuan/㎡, up to CNY 1.5 million; 
Rent support:
(1) A rent support amount will be provided to headquarters enterprise accredited by Qianhai Authority at a rate of CNY 60 yuan/㎡ per month, up to CNY 5 million per year;
(2) For other entities in line with the industry types specified these measures: support is provided at a rate of CNY 60 yuan/㎡ per month if they settle in 2021, CNY 40 yuan/㎡ per month if they settle in 2022, and CNY 20 yuan/㎡ per month if they settle in 2023, up to CNY 5 million per year.

Settlement support

A one-time settlement support is provided to newly settled digital economy enterprises that meet any of the following conditions:
(1) CNY 1 million is provided as a one-time support if the annual operating income is ≥ CNY 200 million and the total profit is ≥ CNY 20 million in the last two consecutive years;
(2) CNY 2 million is provided as a one-time support if the annual operating income is ≥ CNY 400 million and the total profit is ≥ CNY 40 million in the last two consecutive years;
For a digital economy enterprise listed in Global Fortune 500 for the first time or meeting the conditions for supporting Qianhai headquarters enterprises, support will be provided as per the Interim Measures of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone for Encouraging the Development of Headquarters Enterprises.
Support for business grow
An amount equal to 5% of the incremental part of the total profit will be provided, up to CNY 2 million per year, to a digital economy enterprise that concurrently meets the following conditions.
(1) It has been established for over two years;
(2) The total profit in the previous year ≥ CNY 40 million
(3) The growth of total profit in the previous year compared with the total profit in the year before ≥ CNY 10 million 

Support for digital economy demonstration

CNY 100,000 will be provided as a one-time reward to enterprises that settle in Qianhai and were newly listed in the national demonstration projects in artificial intelligence, Internet of things, block chain, intelligent manufacturing, data transaction and other relevant fields.

Support for use of digital products

An amount equal to 30% of technical product service cost will be provided, up to CNY 100,000 per project, to parks that concurrently meet the following requirements and use the digital product service of enterprises of Qianhai Cooperation Zone.
The support for a single park is up to CNY 500,000 per year.
(1) The area is ≥10 hectares or the planned construction area is ≥100,000 square meters;
(2) A special plan for the construction of smart parks has been prepared.

Support for marine sci-tech

Settlement reward

1. Marine sci-tech enterprises
(1) CNY 1 million is provided as a one-time support if the annual operating income is ≥ CNY 200 million and the total profit is ≥ CNY 20 million in the last two consecutive years;
(2) CNY 2 million is provided as a one-time support if the annual operating income is ≥ CNY 400 million and the total profit is ≥ CNY 40 million in the last two consecutive years;
2. Marine scientific research entity
CNY 2 million is provided as a one-time support if the standing research team of a marine scientific research entity has at least 5 professors (researchers), senior engineers or personnel of equivalent titles and the R&D investment in the previous year is at least CNY 10 million.

R&D support

An amount equal to 3% of the R&D investment will be provided, up to CNY 500,00, to marine sci-tech enterprises in marine high-end intelligent equipment, marine engineering equipment, marine electronic information (big data), marine new energy, marine eco-protection and other fields with R&D investment in the previous year ≥ CNY 10 million yuan.